Black grapes and orange..

Black grapes. Orange. Deep baritone voice. Musky odour. A question left unasked.

Gentle breeze. Rustling green tree. Unlucky shrivelled leaves.

Granite slabs. Again black.

Hands in the pocket.  Basilisk eyes.

Nail enamel. Again Green. Chambor. John Miller. Striped. Red.

Bike rides. Dreamy humming. Snappish retort.

Night sky. Full moon. Frothing waves.

Reluctant embrace. Assertive dodging.

Faults to foil gifts.

Reckless abandonment of logic.

Insomnia. Drawing breath in suffocating sighs.

Sentimental to the brink of bathos.

And the reasons. There are no reasons.

12 Responses to “Black grapes and orange..”

  1. Janis Joplin effect 😉

  2. beautiful

  3. eightbeats Says:

    Thanks Shamik 🙂

  4. Paradisetrotter Says:

    Obscure; need to sharpen my aesthetic sense to appreciate poetry better, though 🙂

  5. superb description..””

  6. Anil Prabhu Says:

    Pictures are said to be worth a thousand words..

    But these 82 words right here.. worth a million pictures !!

  7. snata… you should write more often!

  8. So totally matches your free spirit,

    nights of wonder and amusement
    ponder over words never meant
    Touch and go in more ways than seen
    A little bit flashing of the has been

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